News from Population Matters.
Troubled Waters: Population growth and climate change
The theme of this year’s World Water Day is ‘valuing water’. The impact of the climate crisis and population growth alongside lack of progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 6: ‘Water…
Women’s rights key to slowing population growth – A message to world leaders
On International Women’s Day, Dr. Yasmeen Sabeeh Qazi, Senior Advocacy Advisor to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, explains why empowering women and girls is key to accelerating sustainable development…
World Wildlife Day: 5 ways you can help forest species
World Wildlife Day, falling on March 3rd every year, is a UN initiative that aims to celebrate wild species and raise awareness of their plight. This year’s theme, ‘Forests and…
To save biodiversity, we must transform our food systems
A major new analysis highlights that current food production and consumption patterns are the biggest driver of biodiversity loss, and proposes three key actions to turn the tide and create…
New report: transform economy to save nature
Our economic and financial system is driving biodiversity loss and requires massive changes, according to a major new UK-government report, authored by economist and Population Matters patron, Prof Sir Partha Dasgupta. Addressing population growth through much greater support for family planning is one of the key solutions proposed.
Population and reproductive rights – our new briefing
In a submission to the UK parliament, Population Matters calls for greater honesty about the population benefits of reproductive rights – and warns of the threat posed by nationalistic population policies.
Study: Population growth cancelling out climate change progress
A significant new study, published in the latest edition of the Journal of Population and Sustainability, finds that more than three-quarters of the reductions in carbon emissions achieved since 1990 by…
Humanity headed towards ‘ghastly future’: Urgent warning from top scientists
An important new study warns that the world is failing to grasp the gravity of our environmental crises, and that without urgent action on the underlying causes, population and consumption…
UN Summit: Are Climate Ambitions Falling Short?
With the virtual UN Climate Ambition Summit 2020 being held today, we ask why the rapid growth of the human population is still being left off the international agenda. Ahead of…
The love of the human: Interview with Judy Ling Wong
Population is a complicated and multi-faceted issue. To help ensure that we at Population Matters (PM) say and do the right things, we have an Expert Advisory Group. Among those…