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  • Earth Overshoot Day: How smaller families shrink our ecological footprint

    Earth Overshoot Day: How smaller families shrink our ecological footprint

    Today is Earth Overshoot Day, the day on which humanity has used up all the natural resources that the Earth can produce within a year. This means that from tomorrow,…

  • Easing our impact on biodiversity and nature

    Easing our impact on biodiversity and nature

    On World Environment Day, conservationist and forestry expert Dr Edu Effiom explains why protecting biodiversity requires improving access to sexual and reproductive healthcare alongside more sustainable production and consumption patterns….

  • Planet of the Humans: Infinite growth is suicide

    Planet of the Humans: Infinite growth is suicide

    Our Director Robin Maynard reviews Planet of the Humans, the controversial new documentary produced by Michael Moore and directed by Jeff Gibbs, released on the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. Planet of…

  • UN report: World still largely hostile to girls

    UN report: World still largely hostile to girls

    Despite some progress over the past 25 years, girls under age 18 around the world continue to face unacceptable discrimination and violence driven by deeply entrenched gender inequality, according to…

  • Which European countries spend the most on global family planning?

    Which European countries spend the most on global family planning?

    A new report shows that Europe spent a total of 845 million Euros on global sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and family planning in 2018 – an overall increase of…

  • Solutions


    Ending population growth can be achieved through positive, empowering, choice-based actions which improve people’s lives and bring multiple other benefits.

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  • Letting the elephant out of the room: Our 2019 Conference

    Letting the elephant out of the room: Our 2019 Conference

    Population Matters’ public conference in London this past Saturday left attendees feeling enlightened and inspired. Following a successful first conference last year on human population and climate change, this year’s…

  • Population growth slows progress towards Sustainable Development Goals, says UN

    Population growth slows progress towards Sustainable Development Goals, says UN

    The world is not on track to meeting the Sustainable Development Goals because efforts to implement them have not kept pace with rapid human population growth, according to the United Nations….



    Population Matters’ public conference in London on 27 April 2019 left attendees feeling enlightened and inspired. Following a successful first conference last year on human population and climate change, this year’s theme was the crucial link between population growth and biodiversity loss.