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News from Population Matters.

  • African school girl banner

    Joan Kembabazi: girls’ education is key

    At the beginning of June, Sweden hosted the Stockholm+50 conference, commemorating the 50th anniversary of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment. Joan Kembabazi, one of our Choice Ambassadors, attended…

  • Choice Ambassador Morris Nyombi  banner

    One school, one tree at a time: climate campaigning in Uganda

    Voted Environmentalist of Tomorrow by CNN in 2021, Nyombi Morris is a climate change activist from Uganda. With a mission to educate and inspire young people, he’s one of our…

  • Helping each other up mountain banner

    Degrowth day: the steady state economy and population

    In a guest blog to mark Degrowth Day, Brian Czech, Executive Director of the Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy, discusses the limitations of the current economic system, the way forward, and why population matters.

  • Children smiling banner

    Children at risk from overconsumption by the richest

    A new report published last week assesses and ranks 39 wealthy countries in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and/or the European Union (EU) on how they are…

  • Woman and child on beach banner


    Today is International Day for Biological Diversity. To mark it, PM is launching its new, overarching biodiversity campaign, HUMANATURE. The campaign will highlight humankind’s relationship with nature and the adverse…

  • Cracked earth banner

    UN: Population growth driving drought

    A new report published last week foresees a future in which droughts may affect over three-quarters of the world’s population, unless we take action. Climate change and population growth are…

  • Girl in mountains banner

    “I was refused for years”: accessing permanent birth control

    A few weeks ago, we shared a Buzzfeed article on our Facebook page about a woman celebrating her long-awaited sterilisation. The article resonated with a lot of our followers, mostly…

  • UNFPA women banner

    The elephant in the womb: unintended pregnancies

    This year’s State of the World Population (SWP) report by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) focuses on the worrying issue of unintended pregnancies. Still approximately half of all pregnancies…

  • Woman walking through park banner

    Four key ways in which human and environmental health are linked

    The way we are treating the planet is not just bad for the environment – we are actively undermining our own health and well-being too. This year’s World Health Day…

  • Lagos banner

    Tackling population growth in Nigeria: Interview with Chidera Benoit

    Nigeria has the largest population in Africa and is one of the fastest growing countries in the world, expected to become the third most populous by mid-century. This rapid growth,…