: World population

News from Population Matters.

  • Easing our impact on biodiversity and nature

    On World Environment Day, conservationist and forestry expert Dr Edu Effiom explains why protecting biodiversity requires improving access to sexual and reproductive healthcare alongside more sustainable production and consumption patterns….

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    How much would it cost to end the worst gender inequalities?

    A new UN report summarises the Nairobi Summit on ICPD25, a key international conference held in November 2019 which aimed to boost global progress on women’s rights and sexual and…

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    Population Matters demands action on biodiversity

    To mark the International Day for Biological Diversity on May 22nd, Population Matters is writing to governments across the world to demand action on human population. Our message is simple: continued…

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    Empowerment or ‘kicking down’? The truth about population concern

    Population Matters Director Robin Maynard responds to environmental writer George Monbiot’s denigration of population campaigners in a recent Guardian piece. George Monbiot quite reasonably castigated Jeff Gibbs’ film, Planet of the…

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    Planet of the Humans: Infinite growth is suicide

    Our Director Robin Maynard reviews Planet of the Humans, the controversial new documentary produced by Michael Moore and directed by Jeff Gibbs, released on the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. Planet of…

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    Report: overpopulation one of ten greatest threats to humanity

    A new report by a group of Australian researchers identifies the ten most catastrophic threats to human survival, including overpopulation, climate change, biodiversity loss, and pandemics, and calls for urgent global…

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    Millions of women have no say over what happens to their bodies

    Almost half of women in 57 low- to middle-income countries have no decision-making power regarding their health, contraceptive use and sex lives, according to a new UN report. A shocking…

  • Study: preference for small families is ‘contagious’

    As highly social creatures, much of what we say and do is influenced by the people close to us. A new paper examines this effect on family size and consumption behaviour…

  • Population growth and environmental destruction fuel deadly diseases

    Our growing population and resulting overexploitation of nature are facilitating the emergence and spread of infectious diseases like COVID-19. Population Matters’ Communications Officer, Olivia Nater, investigates how relentless deforestation, habitat encroachment, wildlife trade, consumption…

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    UN report: World still largely hostile to girls

    Despite some progress over the past 25 years, girls under age 18 around the world continue to face unacceptable discrimination and violence driven by deeply entrenched gender inequality, according to…