News from Population Matters.
An Act of Love: Vasectomies and positive masculinity
On 18 October 2013, filmmaker Jonathan Stack and urologist/vasectomist Dr. Doug Stein launched the first ever World Vasectomy Day (WVD). This week, 14-20 November 2020, they are celebrating the 8th…
Biden’s victory: What does it mean for women’s rights and the environment?
The past four years under the Trump administration lead to several significant setbacks for sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and the environment, both within the US and globally….
Attenborough film: Saving our planet requires ending population growth
David Attenborough’s ‘A Life On Our Planet‘ highlights the rampant destruction of nature caused by human population growth and unsustainable consumption, as well as the positive and urgently needed actions…
PM supporters call for UN action
On 11 July 2019, World Population Day, we launched a petition calling on the UN to recognise the urgency of achieving a sustainable human population if the world is to have a reasonable chance of meeting the Sustainable Development Goals. Almost 8,000 people across 128 countries have signed up.
The impact of COVID-19 on women’s reproductive health in India: Safeguarding women’s rights
In this guest blog post marking International Safe Abortion Day, Sanghamitra Singh, a health scientist working with the Population Foundation of India, examines the impact of the pandemic on women’s rights and…
You can’t stop extinctions by ignoring the number of people
Population Matters Senior Campaigner Nina Jatana takes a look at WWF’s latest grim report on the global state of wildlife and laments the serious omission of empowering solutions that slow…
The Kibra youths protecting their communities and environment
Population Matters Campaigner Katrina Dixon reflects on what we have achieved through our Empower to Plan programme so far this year, and the continued support needed for the people of Kibra slum in Kenya.
It’s time to end harmful population denial
Polemicist and pundit George Monbiot’s recent opinion piece in The Guardian claims (once again) that addressing the population issue is “blaming the poor” and “racist”. Population Matters Director Robin Maynard replies to these unjustified and irrational accusations and explains why population denial hurts everyone, especially the world’s most vulnerable.
Earth Overshoot Day: How smaller families shrink our ecological footprint
Today is Earth Overshoot Day, the day on which humanity has used up all the natural resources that the Earth can produce within a year. This means that from tomorrow,…
Investing in contraception would save billions of dollars
A new report estimates that fulfilling the unmet need for modern contraception in developing countries would save $16 billion a year in maternal healthcare by reducing the number of unintended…